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Congratulations to Mr.Daniel Porkham, a 3rd year student in International Tourism and Hospitality Program (English Program) for being qualified to join the semi-final found for TNSC

     Congratulations to Mr. Daniel, Department of Tourism Management and International Services (English Program) who has passed the Semi-Final Round in the national competition, Thailand Nagotiation and Sales Competition (TNSC), would like to ask everyone to send their support to Dan and his friends so that they can continue to advance to the next round and win the award.
     This TNSC competition is a competition for sales skills between organizations (B2B sales and negotiations). ) using English for negotiations, organized by the International College Rungsit University (Rungsit University International College) in collaboration with Erasmus+ European Union and Southeast Asia Sales Competition Association (SEASAC)
More details= >https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1110165747486682&set=
a.582494686920460< /a>
